For employees, the key desired outcome from their employer’s career support is ‘Develop new skills to use in the future’ (41%). In contrast, leaders selected ‘More job satisfaction’ (51%) as the outcome they most expected employees to choose, citing ‘Retention of talent’ as the primary reason the business invests (32%).
Are leaders underestimating their employees’ desire to learn and grow, distracted by the more short-term need to retain staff in their current positions rather than support career mobility across the business? And are they actually encouraging stagnation with this mind set?
Meanwhile, a third of employees (31%) expected their employers’ career support to provide them with more satisfaction in their personal life. In a hybrid world with blurred boundaries, there’s no longer a clear split between work life and home life. Employees are looking to their employers to create positive impact in all aspects of their lives, highlighting an increased focus on areas such as mental wellbeing and creating a sense of belonging.